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Imprivata and Stratodesk – Working Together


Healthcare IT faces many challenges managing day-to-day operations of their hospitals. And it is hard to imagine a more complex VDI environment with a more intricate set of demands. The high performance level required stems from the incredibly hardened security standards placed on hospitals. But hospitals are also busy places. Doctors are always on the go, moving from patient to patient, and must be able to access important and protected patient information at different places throughout the day. For this reason, Healthcare IT needs a balanced approach between security and convenience, allowing Healthcare professionals easy access to the apps and data they need wherever and whenever they need it.

In order to achieve these goals, there is no better solution for #HealthcareIT than the combination of VDI, Stratodesk #software and #Imprivata Single SignOn solutions. For this reason we partner with the #1 Digital Identity solution provider in order to allow Healthcare professionals and organizations to leverage the full benefit of a truly powerful endpoint network.

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