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Windows 10 End of Support: The Countdown Is On! Learn More


Stratodesk is a valued Microsoft technology partner and is working with the Microsoft engineering team to deliver integrated and optimized solutions to thousands of shared customers. Currently, the two companies collaborate in support of Microsoft’s latest implementations in the Azure…


The Inuvika Enterprise Desktop Client (EDC) comes preinstalled on Stratodesk NoTouch, providing a rich desktop and application experience on lower-cost devices, such as the Raspberry Pi. To learn more about this integration, please refer to our solution page.


Stratodesk and Citrix have formed a powerful partnership spanning more than a decade, dedicated to providing customers with the ultimate end-user experience. Together, we strive to create a secure, efficient, and cost-effective remote workspace solution that enhances productivity and user…

Amazon Workspaces

We have formed a strategic partnership with AWS to offer seamless support to customers utilizing AWS Workspaces. Our revolutionary NoTouch OS ensures a seamless and efficient user experience for endpoints connecting to AWS workspaces. Not only does it significantly reduce…

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