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NoTouch 2.37.64: Citrix and VMware updates

An update within the latest and well-received “Hetch Hetchy” product generation, NoTouch 2.37.64 contains the latest Citrix Receiver for Linux version 13 and VMware Horizon View client 2.2. Both Citrix and VMware have updated their Linux client software packages just days ago, a rare coincidence. Stratodesk customer as usually benefit from the our incredibly fast turn-around time that builds on long-standing work with our partners’ beta versions, of course. This update makes the world’s most advanced VDI endpoint operating system even better.

Version 2.37.64 also contains an update to Dell/Quest vWorkspace client, and all the other components from 2.37.0 such as a Firefox web browser and state-of-the art RDP support provided by FreeRDP and rdesktop client software packages, among others.

To use the new client OS, no update to NoTouch Center is necessary – we recommend to use the latest published version, No configuration changes are necessary, the new firmware image serves as an easy-to-use drop-in-update.

Stratodesk customers can download the new builds as usual in our customer download portal.

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NoTouch 2.37.64: Citrix and VMware updates

An update within the latest and well-received “Hetch Hetchy” product generation, NoTouch 2.37.64 contains the latest Citrix Receiver for Linux version 13 and VMware Horizon View client 2.2. Both Citrix and VMware have updated their Linux client software packages just days ago, a rare coincidence. Stratodesk customer as usually benefit from the our incredibly fast turn-around time that builds on long-standing work with our partners’ beta versions, of course. This update makes the world’s most advanced VDI endpoint operating system even better.

Version 2.37.64 also contains an update to Dell/Quest vWorkspace client, and all the other components from 2.37.0 such as a Firefox web browser and state-of-the art RDP support provided by FreeRDP and rdesktop client software packages, among others.

To use the new client OS, no update to NoTouch Center is necessary – we recommend to use the latest published version, No configuration changes are necessary, the new firmware image serves as an easy-to-use drop-in-update.

Stratodesk customers can download the new builds as usual in our customer download portal.

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