Start Your Free Trial of
Stratodesk NoTouch Software
Take the first step towards a secure, powerful and manageable endpoint OS for VDI and Cloud endpoints with Stratodesk NoTouch software.

Download Stratodesk NoTouch OS
and Stratodesk NoTouch Center
Download your free trial licenses and find out why countless IT leaders around the globe choose Stratodesk NoTouch to power their complex fleet of endpoint devices.
*Free Trial grants you 30 day access to Stratodesk software
Stratodesk NoTouch – for VDI and Cloud Endpoints
Stratodesk NoTouch Center and Stratodesk NoTouch OS together are the innovative EUC endpoint software solution letting organizations transform any PC, thin client, laptop or Raspberry Pi device into a secure and centrally managed VDI/DaaS endpoint. Stratodesk NoTouch is a proven endpoint software for Citrix, Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and Windows 365, Nutanix Frame deployments and VMware Horizon, as well as many others – on-premises or within the Cloud.

Fully Capable of Interacting with
Third Party Integrations
We work with industry leaders to simplify the journey to a productive and modern, digital workspace. Whether it is traditional on-premises desktop virtualization, application delivery platforms on the cloud, DaaS or SaaS, together with our Cloud and Platform partners Stratodesk accelerates and simplifies the journey to deliver a modern and digital workspace that meets today’s employee productivity requirements.


Join these leading brands and over 6000 others by making the switch to smarter endpoint management.
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